The vocal and instrumental
Victoria Ensemble
is focused mainly on early music.
Victoria Ensemble society runs also
international vocal music festival
Voices of three worlds
and other musical activities of Viktorie Kaplanová.

Dearest Nightingale!
J. J. Ryba, J. S. Bach, J. D. Zelenka etc.
In this intimate concert programme we perform beautiful arias and songs of Baroque and Classical era, suitable to Advent and Christmas time. We focus on composers connected to Bohemia and neighborhood.
Cast: Viktorie Kaplanová | soprano, Jiří Sycha | violin, Filip Dvořák | harpsichord
Programme duration: 60 minutes
Angelus Domini
O. di Lasso, G. P. da Palestrina, T. L. de Victoria, W. Byrd, T. Tallis etc.
In this magic meditative programme, we introduce sacred pieces by the most important composers of vocal polyphony across Europe. The concert is based on hymns, antiphons and biblical texts set to music in the 16th century, which liturgically fall into the Advent period.
Cast: 12 singers, organ
Programme duration: 60 minutes
Rorate coeli desuper
A. Reichenauer, G. Jacob, J. L. Oehlschlägel, A. C. Mentzel etc.
“Rorates” present a specific form of a morning Advent mass in honour of Virgin Mary, typical within the Czech environment. It’s the reason why the text of its entry antiphon “Rorate coeli desuper” was popular among the Czech composers, especially in the 18th century. In this programme we mainly present the works of less known and rediscovered Czech Baroque composers.
Cast: 4/8/12 singers, 2 horns, 2 violins, cello, double bass, organ
Programme duration: 60 minutes
Shephards, awake!
J. Schreier, F. X. Brixi, J. I. Linek etc.
Christmas pastorals of Czech countryside composers from the 18th century became a symbol of Czech Christmas. We accompany them with charming songs from Czech Baroque hymn books and selected parts from Czech and Moravian pastoral masses.
Cast: 4 singers, 2 violins, viola, traverso, cello, double bass, organ/ harpsichord
The Prophets have spoken
Evangelic hymn books of 15th and 16th century
The programme is named after Jiří Rychnovský’s four-voice song (1540-1615) and presents old Bohemian Reformation music. It was formed mainly in the Hussite and Protestant hymnbooks, which record a gradual transition from medieval motets to vocal polyphony. We are selecting pretty songs from them with Advent and Christmas atmosphere.
Cast: 4 singers, flute, lute
Programme duration: 60 minutes
Lent period in Baroque Bohemia
F. I. A Tůma, A. Caldara, A. Lotti, G. Jacob etc.
Before Easter, the quires of Bohemia’s churches resounded with a large number of works by both domestic and foreign composers connected to Bohemia. We chose mainly two magnificent Stabat Mater (F. I. A. Tůma, A. Caldara), but also smaller, remarkable and almost unknown works by Czech Baroque authors.
Cast: 4/8/12 singers, 2 violins, viola, trombone, cello, double bass, organ/ harpsichord
Programme duration: 70 minutes
Leçons de Ténèbres
François Couperin
Magnificent Lessons of darkness was written in three parts by Couperin as liturgical music for Easter Wednesday. This liturgy began at night within the light of fifteen candles which were gradually extinguished. The texts are the Old Testament lamentations of the prophet Jeremiah over the captured and ravaged Jerusalem, being at the same time lamentations for the crucified Jesus in a transferred meaning. This sacred composition captures the last years of the reign of Louis XIV. in whose court the composer dwelled for his entire life. If an occasion arises it is possible to add instrumental compositions or a spoken word of a clergyman.
Cast: Viktorie Kaplanová | soprano, Zuzana Barochová | soprano, viola da gamba, theorbo, harpsichord/ organ
Programme duration: 60 minutes
Honour to Czech patrons
A. Michna, V. Pelikán, A. Mentzel etc.
We focus on the sacred works of early and high Baroque, which were composed to honour Czech patrons. In addition to the magnificent St. Wenceslas Mass Missa Sancti Wenceslai by Adam Michna we join Missa sancti Adalberti, whose author is the Piarist priest Vojtěch (Adalbert) Pelikán, or Litany to the Czech patrons by Antonín Celestin Mentzel.
Cast: 12 singers, 2 trumpets, 3 violins, 2 violas, cello, double bass, harpsichord/organ,
Programme duration: 80 minutes
Reichenauer rediscovered
Antonín Reichenauer (1695/96-1730)
Reichenauer is undoubtedly one of the most prominent personalities of Czech Baroque music, but it has only attracted more attention in recent decades. He worked in Prague’s Malá Strana with Count Morzin as a domestic composer. He wrote instrumental music for the needs of the Morzin noble band (orchestral overtures, instrumental concerts, chamber compositions); His instrumental concerts has their modern premieres in recent years. In cooperation with the Baroque Orchestra of Musica Florea under the leadership of Marek Štryncl we are now bringing a world premiere of some of Reichenauer’s sacred compositions – his offertories, Litany to the holy name of Jesus or Requiem.
Cast: 12 singers, 2 horns, 6 violins, violoncello, double bass, bassoon, organ positiv, conductor
Programme duration: 70 min
Bohemian Baroque Monasteries
V. Pelikán, A. Reicheauer, G. Jacob
We begin this programme with the lovely motet ‘Laudetur Jesus Christus’ by Bohuslav Matěj Černohorský, which is a Christian greeting put to music, and we present more of Czech sacred music of the first half of the 18th century across the lands of Bohemia. Though but a handful of our music has survived from this period, some of these authors are true masters in comparison with the high European standard. The programme comprises of pieces found in collection of Broumov, Strahov, Rajhrad monasteries and a Piarist college in Slaný.
Cast: 4/8/12 singers, 2 violins, 2 horns, violoncello, contrabass, harpsichord, organ
Programme duration: 60 minutes
A Rudolfine Prague's dream
As guest: Concerto Aventino, artistic leader Jakub Kydlíček
J. H. Gallus, K. Harant, C. Luython, J. Campanus, H. L. Hassler atd.
In the last third of the 16th century Prague became one of the main cultural centres of Europe. Rudolf II, who was eager to support science and culture, was surrounded by outstanding thinkers, scientists, artists, but also composers from all over Europe. Together with the instrumental ensemble Concerto Aventino, led by renowned flutist and conductor Jakub Kydlíček, we present secular and sacred music by composers connected to Mannerist Prague.
Cast: 12 singers, flute, cornett, theorbo, curtal, harpsichord
Programme duration: 60 minutes
Claudio Monteverdi: Birth of baroque music
Selection of Monteverdi’s sacred and secular music
The personality of Claudio Monteverdi, a composer standing on the edge of traditional Renaissance style and new musical era, does not have to be introduced much. He is best known to be a completer of madrigal form and as one of the founders of the opera, who contributed significantly to the birth of the Baroque style. In the first half of the programme we present selected compositions from the collections of Selva morale e spirituale and Messa a quatro voci e Salmi. In the second half, works from the fourth and the eighth book of madrigals and from the Scherzi musicali collection.
Cast: 6 singers, flute, violin, theorbo, viola da gamba, harpsichord
Programme duration: 70 minutes
One day of the king of France
A. Campra, M. P. de Montéclaire, L.-N. Clérambault etc.
How could the day of Louis XIV or his succesor look like? In this programme we present sacred music, chamber compositions, cantatas and opera arias by two generations of French Baroque composers, closely connected with the royal court.
Cast: Viktorie Kaplanová | soprano, flute, violin, theorbo, viola da gamba, harpsichord
Program duration: 60 minutes
Rejoice, my heart!
J. S. Bach, A Vivaldi, B. M. Černohorský atd.
In this popular chamber programme we celebrate the Creator and nature. We present sacred and as well secular music of culminating Baroque of the whole Europe.
Cast: Viktorie Kaplanová | soprano, Marie Vencourová | flétna, Helena Matyášová | violoncello, Jan Hajič | harpsichord
Programme duration: 60 min
G. F. Händel: Biblical Themes
arias from Solomon, Athalia, Belshazzar etc.
Georg Friedrich Händel, one of the Masters of Baroque music, is the author of an extremely large number of works, including about 25 oratorios. In this popular programme we present virtuoso soprano arias from oratorios mostly with Old Testament motives (can also be interpreted as themes from the Hebrew Bible). These dramatic biblical stories are told by an unconventional chamber cast.
Cast: Viktorie Kaplanová | soprano, Jiří Sycha | violin, Ondřej Bernovský | harpsichord
Programme duration: 60 minutes
Music and Dance of the renaissance Prague
As guest: Chorea Historica
J. Regnart, Ph. de Monte, O. di Lasso T. Arbeau. C. Negri, F. Caroso etc.
In this programme we remain devoted to Prague during the reign of Rudolf II. At this time we present exclusively the secular music – madrigals, songs and popular dances of Mannerist Prague.
Cast: 8 singers, 2 dancers, 2 flutes, viola da gamba, theorbo, harpsichord
Programme duration: 60 minutes
As guest: Teatro Comico
Orazio Vecchi (1550–1605)
The work of the Modena composer Orazio Vecchi is a remarkable manifestation of the traditional Italian music theatre of the late Renaissance. It is subtitled “comedia harmonica”, for which we now use the term “madrigal comedy”. The main protagonists of this genre were the characters from the traditional commedia dell’ arte. L’Amfiparnaso with its own scenery, costumes and authorial masks is presented in cooperation with the theatre company Teatro Comico. We offer the initial madrigal verses in original Italian or Czech and English translations.
Cast: 5 singers, 4 actors, viola da gamba, theorbo, harpsichord
Programme duration: 60 minutes
The Muse of Versailles
As guest: En Garde!
J. B. Lully, M. Lambert, M.-R. Delalande, A. Campra, L.-N. Clérambault etc.
Here we cooperate with En Garde!, whose main focus is French Baroque dance which is sensitively connected with the vocal and instrumental component in a compact authorial costumed performance which pays homage to Louis XIV, the “Sun King”, and his follower Louis V.
Cast: Viktorie Kaplanová | soprano, 5 dancers, flute, violin, theorbo, viola da gamba, harpsichord
Programme duration: 60 minutes
The Rush of Paris, The Song of London
Clément Janequin, John Dowland
First time we are connecting renaissance music with live digital painting. Eight singers a capella are performing Clément Janequin’s French program chansons where themes like: War, Bird´s song, rush of Paris etc., are compiled using existing and made-up words, sounds and interjections. Those stories of Janequin´s compositions are ‘told’ by Scottish painter Frances Sander right upon the wall behind the singers. This project is accompanied by a drummer Jan Šikl on the improvised set of percussion. Opposite to this specific French composer we are putting the famous author of the English renaissance John Dowland, with his melodic and melancholic songs.
Cast: 8 singers, Jan Šikl | percussion, Frances Sander | live videomapping
Programme duration: 60 min
Italian opera in Mozart's Prague
J. G. Naumann, P. Anfossi, F. Zannetti, G. Gazzaniga, D. Cimarosa etc.
In 1750s the impresario of Prague Kotzen Theatre was G.B. Locatelli. Thanks to his taste and abilities the thrilled Prague audience had an opportunity to hear the greatest opera hits of all Europe performed by the top Italian singers. This programme presents the rich world of Italian opera. Selected arias of various characters come from operas that were performed on the stage of Kotzen, Thun or Nostic theatre from 1750s to 1790s. We present most of them in contemporary world premieres.
Cast: Viktorie Kaplanová | soprano, 5 violins, 3 violas, 2 horns, 2 oboes, 2 bassoons, cello, double bass, harpsichord (or fortepiano), conductor
Programme duration: 60 minutes
Pearls of Baroque opera
A. Vivaldi, N. Porpora, G. Bononcini etc.
Here we present a selection of Italian operas by most important Baroque composers accompanied by a harpsichord virtuoso. These are lyrical and coloratura arias for soprano, alto arias (which at their time belonged mainly to castrates) and also beautiful love duets.
Cast: Viktorie Kaplanová | soprano, Anna Moriová | mezzosoprano, Ondřej Bernovský | harpsichord
Programme duration: 60 minutes
Around Baroque Europe
J. S. Bach. F. Corradini, M. Lambert etc.
Chamber music of the whole baroque Europe – cantatas, songs, airs and duets of the prominent Italian, German, English, Spanish and French composers celebrating love and nature above all.
Cast: Viktorie Kaplanová | soprano, Ondřej Holub | tenore, recorder, violin, viola da gamba, basson, harpsichord
Programme duration: 60 min
Italian Baroque Cantata
G. Carissimi, A. Scarlatti, G. F. Händel
The pillars of our programme are three extensive secular cantatas of the various eras of the baroque period, two of which represent the tragic stories of strong women – Mary Stuart (G. Carissimi) and Lucrezia of Rome (A. Scarlatti). The third one is a lyric contemplation of nature, hope and love. It is recommended to project subtitles during this show. It is also possible to add live videomapping.
Cast: Viktorie Kaplanová | soprano, Filip Dvořák | harpsichord
Programme duration: 60 minutes
Echoes of the Past in Contemporary Music
K. Horká, J. Vičar, L. Matoušek, C. Monteverdi, B. Strozzi
This interesting programme offers a unique insight into the music of contemporary Czech composers who where inspired by early music. That we can hear in their secular and sacred duets for soprano, alto and chamber instrumental ensemble. As a convenient contrast we presents compositions by Barbara Strozzi and Claudio Monteverdi. Concert is played on period instruments or their copies in ancient tuning.
Cast: Viktorie Kaplanová | soprano, alto, Jana Vavřínková | viola, Balázs Adorján | viola da gamba, Jan Hajič | harpsichord
Programme duration: 60 min
Love lyric in Baroque music and Hebrew melodies
G. Frescobaldi, B. Strozzi, I. Nathaan etc.
The soprano Viktorie Kaplanová and harpsichordist Filip Dvořák perform charming songs, madrigals and cantatas from all the Italian Baroque period. The love lyricism of these pieces is complemented by the poetry of George Gordon Byron, who in 1815 provided the words for Hebrew Melodies by the Anglo-Jewish composer Isaac Nathan.
Cast: Viktorie Kaplanová | soprano, Filip Dvořák | harpsichord
Bohuslav & Vita
B. Martinů, V. Kaprálová, T. Švarcová
Love, war and death, but also hope and euphoric joy. Viktorie Kaplanová’s exclusive project presents musical drama directed by Adam Rut, which shows relationship between two great composers of the 20th century – Vítězslava Kaprálová and Bohuslav Martinů. This costumed performance with minimal scenography presents unique programme, consisting of classical songs and piano works by both composers and their correspondence as well. The prologue is a art song duet for soprano and baritone by contemporary composer Terezie Švarcová, composed especially for our project. For this programme is piano needed. We offer it with English subtitles.
Cast: Viktorie Kaplanová | soprano, Roman Janál | baritone, Vojtěch Červenka | piano
Programme duration: 60 min
The Story of the French Chanson
C. Janequin, M. Lambert, E. Piaf, J. Brel atd.
The new crossover, in which Viktorie Kaplanová once again collaborates with harpsichordist Filip Dvořák, is a project connecting French music of the 15th to 17th centuries with popular chansons of the
mid-20th century (Edith Piaf, Jacques Brel, etc.). We find ourselves in a completely new world without borders, where renaissance chanson, ancient French court “air de court” and jazz are heard.
Cast: Viktorie Kaplanová | soprano, Filip Dvořák | harpsichord
Folk Poetry in Songs
L. Janáček, B. Martinů, S. Bodorová, B. Britten
Viktorie Kaplanová’s new solo program with harp accompaniment presents folk poetry in a beautiful classical song treatment by composers of the 20th and 21th centuries. Our program includes iconic arrangements by Janáček, song cycles based on folk poetry by Bohuslav Martinů or the beautiful piece by contemporary composer Sylvia Bodorová for soprano and harp. As a contrast to the folklore of Slovakia, Bohemia and Moravia, we also present adaptations of French and Irish folk songs by British composer Benjamin Britten.
Cast: Viktorie Kaplanová | soprano, Hedvika Mousa Bacha | harp
Too hot to Händel: KaplanSynthetic
Georg Friendrich Händel: Mesiáš, Rinaldo, Vodní hudba ad.
The husband and wife duo of Viktorie Kaplanová and Kryštof Kaplan comes up with an innovative project connecting baroque and electronic music. Well-known arias from the operas and oratorios of Georg Friedrich Händel will be heard with a thoughtful accompaniment of synthesizers, instead of the expected ensemble of period instruments. The vocal pieces are heard together with original interpretations of Händel’s instrumental works. This is the only act of its kind in the world. The project can be presented with other guests: with a jazz drummer, a baroque organist etc.
Cast: Viktorie Kaplanová | soprano, Kryštof Kaplan | soundstation